关于诸圣堂 About All Saints’ Church


我们的异象 our Vision


All Saints' Church is to become a city of God's kingdom on this hill, shining forth the light of the Gospel, so that all may glorify God.


我们的使命 our mission

向人们 分享基督的福音

吸引人 加入主里的团契

激励人 委身敬拜事奉神

教导人 活出圣经的话语

装备人 投入服事的行列

我们的价值观 our values






教会简史 Church History


In 1970, the Chinese congregation of St. Andrew's Cathedral, in response to a missionary call, send our 1st Vicar to lead a group of Christians to start Sunday fellowships at Anglican High School. A year later, Sunday services began, and on May 4, 1975, All Saints’ Church was officially established.

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After the church was established, it actively began organising various gatherings and activities. The church also started home meetings, where members supported and cared for each other through fellowship in a family-like setting. Today, these home meetings have evolved into cell groups, which continue to focus on the growth and well-being of each member through group meetings and effectively lead relatives and friends to learn about Christ.

All Saints’ Church has never forgotten its initial mission and continues to actively serve the students of the Anglican High School and the nearby community. The church regularly organises events such as gospel camps, Family Day gatherings, Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations, and Christmas evangelistic service, etc, to help students and residents know the church better and participate in its activities.

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